Start the New Year off Right..

..By staying on track this holiday season.

Start the New Year off Right

It’s the holiday season and the temptations to indulge are everywhere: holiday parties, festive family meals, holiday treats, decadent sweets in the stores, etc.! With all the excitement around it is sometimes hard to remember to be aware of what you’re eating and you may risk loosing some of the progress you worked so hard to achieve.

Here are a few ideas on how to avoid those extra indulgences this month and start the New Year off right:

  1. Have something healthy to eat before heading out to a party or dinner gathering.
    Eating a small meal before will help curb your appetite and give you a chance to make smart choices when faced with all the wonderful foods being offered. It’s always harder to control your impulses and cravings when hungry.
  2. Eat fruits and vegetables. There is usually always a vegetable dish (salad or cut vegetables) and fruit available at a gathering, fill up on those options first.
  3. Keep track of your eating. Knowing what foods you have eaten during the day can help to determine if you should or should not have an extra treat.
  4. Drink water. There are usually many different drink options available, but try to stick to water -still or sparkling. Juice and pops are full of added sugars and calories that you want to avoid.
  5. Keep a healthy snack with you. Keep a bag of cut vegetables, nuts, or a good protein bar in your bag/pocket. This will give you a healthy alternative when there are no healthy options available.
  6. Don’t go shopping when you’re hungry. It is harder to make smart choices when you are hungry and the grocery stores are the most important place to make smart choices about the foods you want to bring home.
  7. Have a supply of healthy snacks and treats in the house. It’s very easy to snack the day away when you’re at home and relaxed. Try to have healthy treats and snacks available, ready to grab when the craving start.
  8. Stay active. It’s very easy to lose your fitness momentum when you’re off work and at home relaxing. Find short full body workouts here that you can perform at least 4 days a week wherever you are, whenever you can. A short workout can be productive if you go as hard as you can. When out, park the car farther away from the entrance and walk; take the stairs when you can; go ice skating or for a stroll – get your friends and family to join you. Every little bit make a difference.
  9. Don’t deny yourself. The key to long time health success is listening to your body. If there is something you really want to eat or drink, indulge – but within moderation. By denying every craving you may be setting yourself up to binge later. Just remember that it’s a little cheat, accept it, enjoy it, and move on.
  10. Have fun. Do something fun you enjoy that makes you happy, either on your own or with your loved ones. Moods tend to play a large role in our desires to eat , be sure to take a breath and relax. Stay happy and positive – relish in your holidays.

Best wishes to you and your family for a wonderful holiday season and New Year!