Work with me

Nutrition Counselling:


Introductory Session– 30 Minutes – complementary

Working with someone so intimately requires a degree of trust and honesty, let us connect and make sure that we are right for each other. Share your goals with me, and together we can determine which package would be most beneficial to you.

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General Health Consultation: 90 minutes 

Want to get started on the path of a healthier lifestyle but not sure where to go and what to do?

In this 90 minute session I will try to answer your health and wellness questions; highlight the goals you would like to meet; discuss your “why”;  and I’ll offer you tips and suggestions on how you can meet those goals.


Holistic Wellness Package: 4 weeks 

Trying to reach your health goals but unsure of where to start? Working towards your health goals but hitting blocks along the way?

Ture wellness comes when all areas of ourselves are addressed and working together. In this program we take a holistic approach to your health and work on all 5 areas of your self – the physical self (food and movement), mental self, emotional self, spiritual self, and the social self. It’s all connected! We dig deep into the foods you eat and the movements you make but we also look into any blocks you may be experiencing and your reasons for making these changes.

This package includes: an introductory session (30 minutes); an in-depth questionnaire to be completed; 1 (90 minute) session to discuss results of questionnaire, your goals, your ways and your challenges; 1 detailed personalized guide that includes nutrition support and holistic lifestyle suggestions ; 3 (60 minute) follow up sessions to answer any questions, address any concerns and provide one on one coaching and support .


Gut Love Package: 8 weeks 

Are you suffering from digestive health issues? Looking for some gut love and support?

The gut is linked to so many aspects of our health and when it’s off there is a rippling affect throughout the body. Together we will take a deep dive into your gut issues, see what support you need and what changes you can make to help your gut thrive, in turn helping you thrive.

We will work together to find any possible underlying issues that may be causing your digestive issues and work on a protocol to help you heal from the inside out. Protocols will include nutrition, lifestyle and natural healing recommendations designed specifically for you.

This package includes: 1 (30 minutes) introductory session; 1 in-depth symptoms questionnaire to be completed by client; 1 detailed protocol guide highlighting results of questionnaires and recommendations on how to start the healing process; 1 (90 minutes) in-depth consult with protocol discussion and recommendations; 7 (60 minute) weekly follow-up sessions to check in on progress, make any necessary adjustments to the protocols; and a different discussion each week to help educate you on understanding the gut.


* Individual session prices available for those with extended health insurance that covers Nutrition Counselling.

Send me an email and we can set up a time to connect

Consultations are done through a virtual meeting.