It’s a Lifestyle Change

ItIt's a Lifestyle Change‘s that time of the year…where we reflect back over the last year and set resolutions and goals for the coming year.

For many of us these goals are based around health and weight management; if so then plan on goals that are achievable and can be maintained long-term.  Let’s not to refer to making healthier food choices and exercise as a diet but rather a lifestyle change. Diets tend to have end dates, are restrictive and difficult to keep up. What you should focus on instead is adapting your eating habits in a positive way that is maintainable by you.

This is the ultimate goal – being healthy long-term.

Here are a few simple ways to aid you in adapting to a healthier lifestyle and meet your long-term success:

  • Eat more whole foods and avoid processed foods
  • Avoid soft drinks and high sugar juices
  • Avoid foods with excess sugars and fats
  • Don’t skip meals, try for 4-5 small ones
  • Watch your portions, its ok to eat half of your meal and save the rest for later
  • Add more dark green vegetables to your meals
  • Drink more water (body weight ÷ 16 = ideal amount of water for you daily)
  • Include healthy Omega 3 fats (nuts, avocados, olive oil, cold water fish, ect.)
  • Don’t count calories but be aware of the foods you eat and the quantities
  • Find healthier alternatives for foods you love but are not good for you
  • Exercise at least 4 times a week and include weight training
  • Avoid the scales, take body measurements to record your progress
  • Have a support group of people who share similar goals – you can encourage, inspire and motivate each other

Remember: You’re not going on a diet, you’re making a lifestyle change.
Be proud to share your choice of living a healthier lifestyle – you will be inspiring others to do the same.

Happy New Year!
With warm wishes from me and mine to you and yours.