
Healthy modified snacks for the whole family to enjoy

Food, Snacks

Trail Mix Granola Clusters

We all know that homemade foods are best for us, but sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. Here is a quick granola recipe that takes no time at all to prep and bake and can be used in multiple ways; to snack on, add to yogurt parfait […]

Food, Snacks

Chocolate Banana Nut Muffins

  Oh my, these are so good! It’s hard to believe that they’re grain/flour free and sugar free. This is not one of my recipes but I thought I would share it with you here so we’ll always know where to find it. I have made a couple of changes […]

Food, Snacks

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Slices

It’s the holidays and if your family is anything like mine, they are always ready to have a snack. Here is a healthy snack that the kids (and I) love, and is quick and easy to make.  The best part is that you only need 3 ingredients, which you probably already have in […]

Food, Snacks

Chocolate Chip Bliss Balls

Getting healthy treats ready for the holidays, and these bliss balls live up to their name – they are pure bliss! I find that keeping healthy treats ready and available help me satisfy my cravings guilt free and without sacrificing my health/fitness progress. 1/4 cup dates soaked and softened 1/4 […]

Food, Snacks

Dark Chocolate Almond Cookies

My kids come home from school famished and are always looking for something to eat. We try to keep it healthy with fruits and vegetables but they love their baked goods. I was a little late in introducing them to healthier options, I wish I started when they were younger, […]