We Are Not the Same

Look around you…we’re all different. Some of us have straight hair some curly; some of us are tall and some not so much; some of us have brown eyes and some blue…so why do we think we are all the same on the inside.



Our internal differences are just as varied as our external. We have differences in our hormones, our metabolism, our digestion and even our organ sizes. With all of these differences why would we think that any two people would get the same results from the same diets or workouts? It’s sad, and I’m guilty of it too, how much we tend to compare ourselves to others. If someone is on a specific diet and getting great results we automatically tend to think “hey I should try this to and I’ll get the same results” and when we don’t we get discouraged and disheartened. What we tend to forget is that our internal biochemistry varies from one another. We may feel that we are all the same but we are not – “there is no such thing as a truly normal individual” *


Someone may have a better metabolism then you and may be better able to break down fats and carbs more easily. Another person may have more of the testosterone hormone and be able to build more muscle mass faster then you. You may also feel that someone has better willpower then you because they are better able to stay away from certain foods. That doesn’t mean they are better then you, working harder then you or more equipped to get healthy – it just means that you are different and you have to figure out what works for you. “Food selection is not always based upon whim or habit, but may be based on differences in physiological needs.” * It may be a trial and error process at first but once you figure out what works best for you, you’ll better understand your body and succeed on your journey to getting healthy, and more importantly, staying healthy.


What we need to realize and remember is that each of us is unique in our own way and what may work for one person may not necessarily work for you. You need to find what works for you and go with it – BE THE BEST YOU YOU CAN BE!


And through it all remember to love and respect yourself!


Warm wishes!


*Source: Biochemical Individuality – Roger J. Williams, PH.D