Tag: health

Food, Lunch / Dinner

Asian Sesame Salad

Not the same old boring salad. Salads are a great way to include greens and vegetables into your daily diet.  However, to keep them interesting and desirable they need to be changed up with different ingredients and dressings.  Here is a colourful and delicious salad with an Asian twist that […]


Set Your Goals

It happens to all of us, you hit a point when you wonder “why am I doing this?” This is where the importance of setting goals comes in.  Make note of why you want to get healthy, write them down and refer back to them when you hit a low or […]


Start the New Year off Right..

..By staying on track this holiday season. It’s the holiday season and the temptations to indulge are everywhere: holiday parties, festive family meals, holiday treats, decadent sweets in the stores, etc.! With all the excitement around it is sometimes hard to remember to be aware of what you’re eating and […]

Body, Workouts

Stay Fit Over the Holidays

It’s the holiday season –  lots of food, lots of giving and lots of love…but not a lot of time.   It’s easy to sacrifice your workouts for the extra time to get other things on your lists done, but you know you really shouldn’t. Here is a quick 5 move […]

Body, Uncategorized, Workouts

10 Minute Full Body Workout

  We all have crazy busy lives and try to squeeze as many things in as we and more often then not its the time spent on us that we sacrifice.  On this journey to getting healthy we have to try to carve out those precious minutes to work on YOU.  Here […]