
Getting healthy with our minds.

An important part of getting healthy is understanding the importance of health and the foods we eat. As I work towards becoming a Holistic Nutritionist, I will be sharing some information that I find interesting and helpful. I will also be highlighting certain everyday foods and how they can benefit our bodies, along with which foods could be causing us harm.



It’s a Lifestyle Change

It‘s that time of the year…where we reflect back over the last year and set resolutions and goals for the coming year. For many of us these goals are based around health and weight management; if so then plan on goals that are achievable and can be maintained long-term.  Let’s not […]


Start the New Year off Right..

..By staying on track this holiday season. It’s the holiday season and the temptations to indulge are everywhere: holiday parties, festive family meals, holiday treats, decadent sweets in the stores, etc.! With all the excitement around it is sometimes hard to remember to be aware of what you’re eating and […]

Mind, Thoughts on Health

We Are Not the Same

Look around you…we’re all different. Some of us have straight hair some curly; some of us are tall and some not so much; some of us have brown eyes and some blue…so why do we think we are all the same on the inside.   Our internal differences are just […]